Homemade Dry Onion Soup Mix Substitute

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Due to my dietary restrictions {read about them here}, I have had to replace many kitchen staples with homemade versions. After I got over the initial annoyance of cooking mostly from scratch, I have found that homemade is so much tastier than store-bought (surprise, surprise) and it always feels good to know exactly what is in my food.

Dry Onion Soup Mix Substitute

Dry onion soup mix is one staple that I missed when I first started my diet.  I mean, really, who doesn’t crave onion dip with Ruffles every once in a while?!  Plus, in a pinch, it saves so much time to throw dry onion soup mix into the pot for seasoning instead of measuring out a bunch of different spices (and we all know how much I love to save time).  Eventually, I realized that I needed to find a replacement, so I experimented with several recipes online and found a couple that I liked.  In fact, there are two winners that I use regularly, but for different purposes.

Dry Onion Soup Mix Substitute Ingredients

Today’s recipe does not make the best onion dip (nor would I use it for actual onion soup), but it is a great substitute in recipes that call for dry onion soup mix as a seasoning rather than the “main event”.  Around here, this blend is perfect for my favorite meatball recipe; in fact, I actually call this my “meatball spice mix” rather than dry onion soup mix.  I double this recipe and keep a stash of the mix in a Fido jar, all ready to go! {My handy-dandy recipe plug-in will multiply the recipe for you…just increase the servings below}

Dry Onion Soup Mix Substitute

Disclaimer:  I found this recipe on Pinterest a long time ago, tried it, liked it, and wrote it in my recipe book without ever pinning it.  I haven’t been able to find the exact source to give credit on this post.    

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Homemade Dry Onion Soup Mix Substitute
A quick and flavorful seasoning substitute for dry onion soup mix.
Dry Onion Soup Mix Substitute
Prep Time 5 minutes
1/4 cup servings
Prep Time 5 minutes
1/4 cup servings
Dry Onion Soup Mix Substitute
  1. Combine all ingredients and store in an airtight container.
  2. When ready to use, 1/4 cup of mix is equivalent to one envelope of store-bought dry onion soup mix, although this can be adjusted to taste.
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4 thoughts on “Homemade Dry Onion Soup Mix Substitute”

  1. I made this last week. I will never buy it again! I strive to eat a gluten-free diet. Store bought varieties all have wheat in them! Thanks for sharing this. I have used it in 2 recipes now, yummy!

  2. I’m going to make this tomorrow to use in my pot roast, as I usually use dry onion soup mix, but realized I’m all out. You mentioned, though, that you found two good replacements for the mix. What is the other one and what do you use it for?

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